I belive that the basic foundation of any relationship is the mutual respect they feel for each other. The relationship can be between human beings or between God and human beings. If we start disrespecting one another, then the relationship has no meaning. Rather, I would prefer to withdraw from it. This year many of my friends sent me greeting cards for the Ganesha Festival; interestingly many of them have distorted image of the God, or he is shown carrying out activities done by ordinary mortals. Even, on the TV, in a children’s show, a child requested Lord Ganesha to become like Sachin Tendulaker and play with him cricket. Further, I went to visit a friends place, there I saw an image of the Lord holding a cricket ball, instead of modak.
I feel frustrated. Imagine if we had shown this kind of disrespect to our mortal loved ones, we would have fought tooth and nail. But, here people say that this is creativity. Can a human being be better or above God ? If one sincerely believes this, then it is better that we pray the human being and not the God. At least lets be honest.
For 10 days we pray to the Lord with lot of respect, we call him the God of Knowledge and Learning, and on the other, it doesn’t seem to hurt us, when we see that Ganesha is shown crying for mouse (his vehicle), as now it is attached to the computer. I feel that this is derogatory or if there is any sense of humour in this, then it is rather cheap. These same people, when have to bear problems in life are the first ones to beg in front of the Lord for his grace.
I have asked many people, why is it that peoples creativity flourishes only in context of God? Why cant there is other ways to enjoy humor? Are we scared to pull legs of people who can harm us; hence we do it to our God.
If this is the case, then I think we should stop praying.
This sort of thing seems to be quite widesspread and one of the common arguments is that it's the intention that matters. The intention being to educate people about God and so even this kind of publicity stunts are okay.
I disagree of course. I think by virtue of the fact that this "God" is divine in nature, there's some respect due which should prevent this sort of "advertising". I see no gains from doing that except maybe a popularity campaign whereby people miss the real meaning behind "God" and just enjoy the portrayed images.
I feel that there is a need for well-intentioned people to make their voices heard. I know expecting an immediate change is foolish, but unless and until some awareness is spread against these activities, i see no change happening in near future. i, personally, dont know, what to do and how to do. may be some day, i might find a way out.
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