Saturday, January 21, 2006


The book by Richard Ingrams titled God’s Apology starts with an interesting statement “Friends are God’s apology for relations”. Some people seem to have a knack of making and remaining friends, while there are some who have difficulty getting along even with a single friend. It goes for the relations also.

If relations and friends are at par, then all the benefits and problems associated with relations are applicable to friendship also. Relations are alive no matter how bitter the vibes are, but same does not goes for friends.

Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year

As usual, this New Year began restfully. Though everywhere people greet the New Year with lot of fun and frolic, am among those few, who believe that the year is new every moment, so why give undue importance to one particular stroke. Never mind, I have made many resolutions, on of them is that wud not neglect my blog as in 2005 (inspired by my friend V).