Thursday, September 23, 2004


I belive that the basic foundation of any relationship is the mutual respect they feel for each other. The relationship can be between human beings or between God and human beings. If we start disrespecting one another, then the relationship has no meaning. Rather, I would prefer to withdraw from it. This year many of my friends sent me greeting cards for the Ganesha Festival; interestingly many of them have distorted image of the God, or he is shown carrying out activities done by ordinary mortals. Even, on the TV, in a children’s show, a child requested Lord Ganesha to become like Sachin Tendulaker and play with him cricket. Further, I went to visit a friends place, there I saw an image of the Lord holding a cricket ball, instead of modak.

I feel frustrated. Imagine if we had shown this kind of disrespect to our mortal loved ones, we would have fought tooth and nail. But, here people say that this is creativity. Can a human being be better or above God ? If one sincerely believes this, then it is better that we pray the human being and not the God. At least lets be honest.

For 10 days we pray to the Lord with lot of respect, we call him the God of Knowledge and Learning, and on the other, it doesn’t seem to hurt us, when we see that Ganesha is shown crying for mouse (his vehicle), as now it is attached to the computer. I feel that this is derogatory or if there is any sense of humour in this, then it is rather cheap. These same people, when have to bear problems in life are the first ones to beg in front of the Lord for his grace.

I have asked many people, why is it that peoples creativity flourishes only in context of God? Why cant there is other ways to enjoy humor? Are we scared to pull legs of people who can harm us; hence we do it to our God.

If this is the case, then I think we should stop praying.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Am back

After a long haitus am back.

Return back

Its after a long time that am writing the blog. Actually, managing any change be it thrust on you by your choice or circumstance impose it , requires considerable amount of your time and attention. As a result, other activities are pushed aside and consequently delays creep in. If these are put aside for a long time, there is a fair amount of chance that one may forget it altogether. To avoid reaching this stage, i am back at my desk rumanating about the world around me.

A few days back, i met an aunt- my neighbor at Parel, where i stayed many years ago. She is a pleasant and charming lady. Then, she was extremely busy managing her house and work, and never, would she participate in any social activities or bother to make friends with anyone except perhaps us (may be geographical distance matter to her). i used to always admire her for the way she carried herself. Slowly, as she befriended us, we came to know that her children were with her in-laws and soon they were going to be back with her. Her husband always thought that the people around them were not so polished and cultured, so their kids should not mingle with us. But, she felt that the kids should play and enjoy. As always, the will of her husband prevailed and the family kept a good distance from us.

Her mother-in law, incidentally, became a friend of my mother. She would crib continuously about the children (a girl and a boy) and the pain they cause her. My mother would make utmost attempt to make her realize that its a good that the kids care so much for her too in return. But, she would hardly care to listen.

After so many years, i met my aunt in train. She looked much older but still charming. She recognized me immediately and gave a pleasant smile. As i enquired about her life and about the kids, she told me something that shook me terribly.

Her family had been on a vacation in 2000. On their way back home, they met with an accident, wherein her husband's limbs were hurt and her son's face suffered brutal bruises, luckily the skull was saved. Her diaphagarm was torn and one lung collapsed. Luckily, all of them were alive, the whole family was hospitalized.

A year afterwards, Uncle (her husband) died of heart attack. It was so sudden and shocking, that she too fell sick. Her house is near an hospital, but the utter helplessness of not being able to save him, affected her morale badly.

Now, she seems to taken the traumas in her stride. She is now unable to work as she is incapable of sitting or standing for long time. But, the need to support her children education ( one is in 12 th and other in 8 th) has instilled in her tremendous strength and is now ready to under take work.

What struck me about her was her strength and her grace. There was no dramatisation of the events, simple plain narration as though these events were normal events.
Maybe, this is what they say is 'grace under pressure'.